Saturday, 30 May 2015

Have Not Been On FB In The Past 5years!! ''Odunlade Adekola'' Warns Fans To Beware Of Impersonators

 odunlade adekola photos 

                  Nollywood Actor, Odunlade Adekola, has come out to warn his friends and fans across the globe to be careful while dealing with impersonators using his name to swindle people on social networks. 
                   In his words, "This past 2 weeks have been tough for me as I have gotten calls from at least 9 people all making complaints of been fooled by some impersonators on facebook, twitter and whatsapp claiming to be Odunlade Adekola"
                  "I must say this, i have not been on facebook or twitter in the past 5 years so any social network account with my name is fake and has someone in the dark operating it. I just opened my social media accounts in a bid to keep these impersonators away and the official pages for connecting with me are, on twitter @OdunOmoAdekola and on Instagram, @odunomoadekola'.
"The best we can do is to keep impersonators away as pirates are already a huge headache to battle with and I'd be glad if our media friends can help in sensitizing our fans". He concluded

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