Saturday, 2 May 2015

HanHan!!! Mum Hangs Herself After Being 'Verbally Abused' By Jealous Boyfriend (See Photos)

A mother who was verbally abused by her jealous boyfriend over enjoying a girls night out was found hanged the next day, an inquest was told.
Lisa Moller was enjoying a catch up with her best friend before returning home to boyfriend Joe Ashenhurst, 31.He asked where Lisa, 35, had been, but when she explained he branded her a "liar".She was spending time at her local pub with best friend Sandra Stevenson before the row, with her two children aged 15 and 16 staying with their grandparents for the night so she could enjoy herself.
After the row Lisa, who worked as a carer, locked Joe out of the house.

Concerned neighbours called the police, but she refused to answer the door when they called.

The next morning she was found in the attic of her South Wales home, hanging.

Best friend Sandra told Cardiff Coroner's Court they had "such a lovely night" and Lisa, from Barry, was planning for the future.She said: "We talked about her future and she was looking forward to going travelling with me.

"We had such a lovely night - it was fantastic."

Boyfriend Joe, who works as a carpenter, was described as being a "controlling" partner at the inquest.

He was angry that she had been drinking in a different pub to the one which she told him she would.

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